Weaning - introducing solid foods

You can use meals you are already eating as a family for weaning babies onto solid foods.
This means you know exactly what they are eating and you can help them become familiar with the tastes and textures of family meals.
By about 6 months, babies will begin to need more iron and nutrients than breastmilk or formula milk alone can provide. Introducing solid foods at this age also helps them develop important skills such as learning to feed themselves and the different textures help develop muscles that are important for speech.
In these videos Registered Dietitian Sarah Keogh shows us how to adapt family meals for weaning.
Butternut squash with pasta
Chicken and vegetables
Chicken and rice
Pasta Bolognese
Here’s more information about weaning
The Feeding your baby booklet guides you through introducing your baby to solid food.
My Child: 0 to 2 years is filled with expert advice from health professionals in the HSE.
Information on weaning from mychild.ie