Food for life

Food is the fuel children need to be strong and grow. What they eat and how much they eat is important.
Taste Buds Food for Life session aims to help children make healthier choices by learning out more about the different types of food their body need to help them grow, learn and have fun. Start by watching the Food for Life animation.
You’ll find more facts about the Food Pyramid and making healthy choices in the information sheet. The worksheets and interactive quiz are colourful and engaging ways to reinforce the messages in the animation.
Lesson plan
This step-by-step lesson plan includes lesson objectives, learning outcomes, teacher's notes and a guide to the resources.
Get the Food for Life lesson plan
Information sheet
The Food Pyramid is designed to make healthy eating easier. Foods that contain the same type of nutrients are grouped together on each of the shelves of the Food Pyramid. This information sheet explains the food groups in the food pyramid and the different foods from which to choose a healthy diet.
Get the Food for Life information sheet
The Food Pyramid
The Food Pyramid poster provides the names of each shelf, shows examples of foods and drinks on each shelf and gives the number of daily servings.
Worksheet - Odd one out
Different foods are shown placed on the Food Pyramid. Children can have fun finding the foods that are on the wrong shelf.
Worksheet - Where does the food belong?
Photographs of different foods are shown next to the Food Pyramid. The children are asked to draw a line, connecting each food to the shelf it belongs on.
Get the Where does food belong worksheet
Children work in pairs to identify various foods based on the descriptions provided.
The interactive drag and drop quiz asks the children what shelf each food belongs on. The quiz features different foods.