Gluten-free under the law

Since 2016, the legislation governing the kind of information caterers and others can give to their customers about the gluten content of the foods they sell has changed.
“Gluten-free” now specifically means the gluten concentration in the final food is up to 20mg of gluten per kg of food. “Very low gluten” now specifically means the gluten concentration in the final food is between 21mg and 100mg of gluten per kg of food.
Statements like “Gluten-free” now have a specific meaning so the rules around what you can and can’t say in relation to gluten have been tightened up.
Here we have summarised these as a number of DOs and DON'Ts to remember when accommodating coeliac and other gluten sensitive customers.
Because of slight differences in the interpretation of the rules between the Republic and Northern Ireland, a separate version is available for each jurisdiction:
DOs and DON'Ts under the Law
Gluten-free under the law - ROI (PDF, 100KB)
Video - Gluten and the law in the Republic of Ireland
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Train your staff for free about allergen control with safefood's FREE safefood for business training Module 6.