Shaping healthier food environments

An event hosted by the All-island Obesity Action Forum, supported by safefood.
Date: 21 November, 2023
Catch up: Watch the recording
Event overview
We live in a food environment that influences how we buy, prepare and consume food. Each day, we are challenged with a ‘foodscape’ that promotes and encourages unhealthy eating and excess energy consumption. It is now widely acknowledged that these unhealthy environments are contributing to obesity and ill-health.
This event explored opportunities to support healthier food choices and ultimately improve population health. Speakers discussed our current food environment and strategies to create healthier environments, sharing experiences that include the retail and advertising environments.

Heather Brown
Professor of Health Inequalities, Lancaster University

Fran Bernhardt
Sustain: the alliance for better food and farming

Sinead O’Mahony
Food Safety Authority of Ireland and University College Dublin

Professor Amelia Lake
Teesside University and Fuse, the Centre for Translational Research in Public Health