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All-island Food Poverty Network

Tackling food poverty on the island of Ireland.


The All-island Food Poverty Network was established in 2009. The Network is a community of professionals working across government departments and agencies, academia and non-governmental organisations (NGOs) who have a common interest in reducing food poverty on the island of Ireland. It supports the development of consensus on related issues, collaboration and shared learning. The Network is co-chaired by safefood and The Food Standards Agency, Northern Ireland.

Members of the Network have access to an annual all-island event and a biannual newsletter.

For further details on the Network contact the Secretariat at [email protected].  


The All-island Food Poverty Network Newsletter shares the latest in food poverty research, programmes and initiatives both nationally and internationally. Newsletter subscribers are the first to be notified of our annual event.

Past events

Our latest event was Food poverty: learning from lived experiences, held in September 2023. You can watch the recording below.

Watch recordings of all previous events on safefood's YouTube channel.


All-island Food Poverty Network Steering Group

The network is supported by a steering group made up of senior representatives from government departments and agencies, academia and NGOs. The group was established to provide a co-ordinated and strategic approach to tackling food poverty on the island of Ireland. Members of the steering group meet on a regular basis to share experiences and knowledge to help address the issue of food poverty on the island.

The following organisations are represented on the Forum:

Minutes of the Forum meetings


Ireland subgroup: March, May June

Northern Ireland subgroup: February and May


 September 2022

Previous minutes are available on request by emailing [email protected].  

Sign up for our Food Poverty Network newsletter

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