Fiscal and pricing policies related to food and non-alcoholic drinks: a review of the evidence
Project Reference: 02A-2020
Status: Completed
Commencement Date: January 2021
Project Duration: 12 months
This research project will be carried out by The Queen’s University of Belfast (QUB) and will identify international evidence of approaches and effectiveness (including failures) of fiscal and pricing policies related to food and non-alcoholic drinks, in order to improve diet and prevent non communicable disease. The study shall review the evidence in relation to dietary intake, health outcomes, health inequalities and the equitability of the tax burden; and to thereafter identify the fiscal and pricing policies with most practical relevance for implementation on the IOI with reference to political sustainability and food policy.
Principal Contractor(s):
Prof Ciaran O’ Neill, QUB
National University of Ireland, Galway
Fiscal and pricing policies related to food and non-alcoholic drinks