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Consumer focused review of where our food comes from

Project Reference: CFR

Status: Completed


Cognisant of the ever-changing food landscape on the island of Ireland, safefood has undertaken a review of externally-produced foods – mainly food imported from the European Union as well as third countries – that is sold on the island of Ireland. The review provides the most relevant and pertinent information available about the origin of our food. Both quantitative and qualitative research was carried out into consumer perceptions, attitudes and behaviour in relation to the origins of their food. 

The review revealed a distinct lack of knowledge as to the origin of the majority of their food and a severe lack of confidence in the "loopholes" of the current labelling system. Also, consumers had no real knowledge of the proportion of food imported or reasons why food is imported. Consumers felt locally or nationally grown products were more authentic and of higher quality. However, despite these concerns, ultimately they were happy to pay the cheaper prices and avail of better choice when it came to imported goods, especially if this matched the increased desire to eat healthily and ethically.



Where does our food come from?

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